William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Happy holidays and thanks

Campaign Diary by William Coit
Friday, March 29, 2002

Happy Passover and Happy Easter. The Christian celebration of Easter is linked to the Jewish celebration of the Passover. As a Christian, this is a special time of the year for all Christians to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. This is an appropriate time for me to announce that I have changed my church home and become a member of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta where Dr. Charles Stanley is the pastor. This wasn't an easy decision for me to make but with God's help the transition will be smooth.

As I visit the 11 counties of the 13th District, I would be remised if I didn't recognize the many people that have offered kind words of support and encouragement. I would like to thank Terry Kearns, Marshall Crawford,Toyin Ojo, Jeff Packer, Rhonda Brooks, Monique Taylor, Gara Dallam, Mark Irle, and Pedro and Maggy Maldonado.

William Coit

For more information about the campaign go to https://www.williamcoit.com

Quote of the Day

"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains." - Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Condi Crazy
Bush-Rice 2004 is the latest fad among political junkies. But a lot of questions have to be answered first.

SPECULATION about Condoleezza Rice as a possible vice presidential choice for the GOP ticket in 2004 has reached the proverbial tipping point. Everyone's talking about it, from Eleanor Clift on the left, to the good folks at National Review Online on the right, to Andrew Sullivan on the . . . well, wherever he is (the gay-Tory-Catholic center-right?). The Weekly Standard's own William Kristol has mentioned Bush-Rice 2004 as a serious possibility in several recent TV appearances, and lately the blogger realm has analyzed it in its own endlessly self-referential fashion.  The complete article can be viewed here.

Enron Democrats

If left-labor-liberal progressives had the cohesion and muscle of their right-wing opposites, they would be articulating a simple-to-understand litmus test for the Democratic Party--no "Enron Democrats" on the presidential ticket in 2004. That precondition would eliminate a number of presidential wannabes now mentioned by the Washington media's Great Mentioner. Scratch Senator Joe Lieberman. Forget the happy talk about Senate majority leader Tom Daschle's running for the White House. And Senator Joe Biden can stop daydreaming. These men--and perhaps some other would-be candidates--do not pass the Enron smell test.  The complete article can be viewed here.

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If you would prefer to mail in your contribution by check, Mail to:

William Coit For Congress
8351 Roswell Rd. #170
Atlanta,Ga. 30350.

Thanks for your support!

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Contact Us:   Below are ways to reach the campaign:  [email protected]   William Coit For Congress 8351 Roswell Rd. #170, Atlanta, Georgia 30350  404-610-6710.



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� 2001-2002 Committee to Elect William Coit, All Rights Reserved.
Paid For and Authorized by: Committee to Elect William Coit
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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