William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Press Release: I Officially Kicked Off My Campaign for U.S. Congress 13th District

Campaign Diary by William Coit
Tuesday, April 16, 2002

William Coit officially kicked off his campaign for the 13th U.S. Congressional District of Georgia. His travels have taken him to every county in the new district. The unifying message of the voters is, how are you going to put more money into my pockets? My answer, "Let's reinvent government, begin to think outside of the box, and focus our money and management to providing those services that taxpayers are incapable of providing for themselves. We can eliminate wasteful spending and give the American taxpayer a reduction in taxes."

William Coit has been speaking throughout the new district spreading his campaign theme, "Honesty In Politics." William believes, "when politicians campaign saying one thing then vote the opposite way, it assaults the very foundation of our representative democracy." Second, it concerns William about the influence of money in politics. The cozy relationship that special interest groups have with those who sponsor legislation. Look no further than the nearest campaign contribution filing to see who will receive preferential treatment. If you're satisfied with the status quo, then he's not your candidate. As your next Congressman, he will work to minimize money's influence in politics and place term limits on career politicians.

William Coit is considered a moderate on social issues and a fiscal conservative on economic issues. He has taken an unprecedented stand on 70 issues before congress. In addition, he has created an 8 point Empowerment Plan for the 13th District. Unlike most politicians who refuse to stand for something, he thinks that the voter should know where he stands on every issue before they cast a vote for him. Though you may not agree on every issue you can find common ground on the majority of them. William favors a tax reduction for citizens, reform of the education system, privatizing a portion of social security, and increased funding for national defense.

William Coit is a former congressional intern with U.S. Senator J. Bennett Johnston, a volunteer with Operations Crossroads Africa in Ghana, West Africa, a small business owner, and an author of the soon to be released book Corporate Welfare Reform: Saving American Taxpayers $125 Billion Dollars. He resides in Norcross, Georgia and is a member of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta. For more information about William's campaign, please visit his web site at www.williamcoit.com.



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8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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