William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

It's been a good week

Campaign Diary by William Coit
Friday, April 12, 2002

This has been a good week for the William Coit For Congress campaign. I criss-crossed the counties in an effort to better understand the problems of the 13th district. The unifying theme of the majority of people I meet is, How are you going to put more money into my pockets?  My answer, "Let's reinvent government. Think outside of the box. Focus our money and management to providing those services efficiently and within the budgetary constraints. Eliminate wasteful pork spending and give the American taxpayer a reduction in taxes." 
My special thanks go to Congressman Mac Collins for his sound advice, State Rep. John Lundsford, Jim Henry, Sr., Jim Henry, Jr., Darryl Thompson, Hiawatha Love, Linda Ariff, Lane Watts, Jane Trammell, Mr. & Mrs. C.O. Gunnin, and Janet Gibson.


Quote of the Week
"We are here on earth to do good for others. What the others are here for, I don't know." W. H. Auden

In the news
Rep. Cynthia McKinney Implies Bush Knew of Sept. 11 Plot

How White Liberals Destroyed Black Families

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William Coit For Congress 
8351 Roswell Rd. #170  
Atlanta,Ga. 30350
Thanks for your support!

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Contact Us:

Below are ways to reach the campaign:
[email protected] 
William Coit For Congress
8351 Roswell Rd. #170
Atlanta, Georgia 30350 



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� 2001-2002 Committee to Elect William Coit, All Rights Reserved.
Paid For and Authorized by: Committee to Elect William Coit
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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