William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Empowerment Plan for the 13th District

Campaign Diary by Willaim Coit
Monday, October 29, 2001

In an era where elected officials are more responsive to special interest needs, I have written an 8 Point Empowerment Plan for the 13th District. As your elected representative, I ask that you hold me accountable for every plank in the plan. If your income is between $20,000-$65,000 and you are concerned about job security, education, taxes, social security, and airport security, I ask you to vote for me. My plan is a road map for the future to restore your faith in America and your elected representatives.

In the first 120 days of the 108th Congress, I will bring forth to the House Floor the following bills:

The Middle Class Tax Cut
The Charter School Expansion Act
The Education Research and Development Act
The Re-Employment System Act
The Venture Capital Entrepreneur Training Act
The Social Security Personal Account Act
The Election Modernization Act
The Uniform Standards for Airport Security Act 

The Middle Class Tax Cut: A tax cut of 33% on incomes of $20,000-$65,000. The lowest rate will move from 15% to 10%.

Example: Mr. and Mrs. Brown are filing a joint return.  Their taxable income on Form 1040 is $40,000. The 2000 tax due is $6,004.  My bill will reduce Mr. and Mrs. Brown taxes by 33%. ($6004 - $4000 = $2004)  the couple will save $2004.

The Charter School Expansion Act: An education bill to provide individual choice for parents.  Charter schools improve scholastic achievement, stronger community involvement, and it give parents the  freedom to educate their children. Incentives to rapidly expand charter schools will be encouraged. 

The Education Research and Development Act: An education bill to establish research and development sites to examine and test the latest ideas for improving the classroom experience. Just as today�s medical research centers are connected to the country�s leading medical schools, these educational research facilities would provide a model for training and retraining teachers that will drive all teacher training to new standards of excellence.

The Re-Employment System Act: A bill designed to provide job skills to workers who need them for new and better paying jobs. Every un-employed individual would be given a voucher for job training. These vouchers can be used to buy re-employment services. States would be required to promote competition with State Labor Departments and private companies to retrain and find jobs for unemployed individuals.

The Venture Capital Entrepreneur Training Act:  A bill to provide venture capital and entrepreneur training to the un-employed. Business leaders and university professors will provide entrepreneur training in a 12-week course for individuals who desire to open a business. This bill will eliminate the barriers that prevent people from starting and financing a business. It will be a one-stop shop for business development.

The Social Security Personal Account Act: A bill that will reform the current Social Security system through the creation of private investment savings accounts. Individuals will choose how to invest a portion of (F.I.C.A.) Social Security in stocks and bonds. These investments will yield a greater return on principle and can be passed along to your children on death. These accounts will take pressure off the S.S. system and provide a long-term solution for future liabilities that the present system cannot meet.

The Election Modernization Act: A bill to correct the flaws in our electoral process. The 2000 election exposed the problems with outdated equipment, long-lines, shortage of trained workers and more. My bill will mandate a uniform system of counting votes.  Federal funds will be used to modernize equipment, provide provisional ballots, and hold national elections on a national holiday like Veterans Day.

The Uniform Standards for Airport Security Act: A bill to fund Biometric Imaging- by which computers track people using digital representations of their unique physical features such as palm prints, fingerprints, facial features and eye structure. The data can then be compared to databases on criminal suspects.  Included in the bill will be the ability to link airport systems to comprehensive and up-to-date law enforcement databases. This bill requires all commercial airports to install biometric technology, smart cards to identify employees, delivery trucks, and their cargo entering the airport air-freight area.

I have set an ambitious agenda for the 13th District.  With your support, we can turn this agenda into a reality and begin the process of regaining trust in America and your elected representatives.



� 2001 Committee to Elect William Coit, All Rights Reserved.
Paid For and Authorized by: Committee to Elect William Coit.
8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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