William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Stop racial profiling

Campaign Diary by Willaim Coit
Thursday, September 20, 2001

In the wake of the bombings, Arab-Americans are being singled out and racially profiled. This disturbing trend has manifested itself in the form (FWA) Flying While Arab, physical and verbal assaults, and even murder. To categorize all Arab-Americans for crimes committed by a few individuals must stop immediately. As Americans, we should protect law-abiding citizens and use our intelligence to prosecute lawbreakers.

There are an estimated 3 million Arab-Americans living in the U.S. As a group, the majority tends to be highly educated and affluent. There are various reasons why they came to America. Better education, religious freedoms, opportunities for economic advancement, and to avoid persecution. The overwhelming majority is law abiding and hard working. Many share the same values and dreams for their kids as you and I. That's why I find it very hard to believe that some Americans will deny Arab-Americans there constitutionally guaranteed rights. We should STOP THE MADNESS and hold accountable all individuals who perpetrate these hate crimes. In addition, our elected officials should speak out in opposition to anyone who denies equal protection of laws to Arab-Americans.

African-American in particular should be outspoken in protest to racial profiling. The struggle to end (DWB) Driving While Black is an issue on which common ground can be found with Arab-Americans. A strategic coalition with applied pressure could force institutions to change racial profiling policies.



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