William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Respond immediately to the attacks

Campaign Diary by Willaim Coit
Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Hi friends, I could not contain my anger and frustration about the bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. So, I decided to vent. First, I am devastated. How could these terrorists murder 5,000 or more innocent Americans? The Islamic fundamentalist claim to be men of god...I say they are cowards and they deserve what's coming to them. RESPOND IMMEDIATELY TO THE ATTACKS.

We Americans pride ourselves on being a beacon of light for countries around the world to emulate. We are not perfect. There are issues that continue to divide us by race and sex. Make no mistake; we will stand firmly together when crisis�s like this occur. Our Christian ethos allows us to put our differences aside for the moment and focus our energies on helping our fellow countrymen. Whoever committed this crime of hatred against our country deserve to be punished.

In the next couple of weeks, the President will need each and every one of us to pray for him. He will make decisions that will affect the future of our country. Some of these decisions will cause pain and suffering to the families of the military. There will be casualties in our quest to eradicate terrorism from the world. If the President does not react, terrorist will see America as a weak country and they will continue to threaten the very fabric of our freedoms.



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