William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

I stand in opposition to H.R.2646 relating to farm subsidies

Campaign Diary by William Coit
Thursday, February 07, 2002

I stand in opposition to the FARM BILL SECURITY ACT H.R.2646.  It is corporate welfare.  This bill provides for the continuation of agricultural programs through fiscal year 2011.

SUMMARY AS OF: 7/26/2001--Introduced. Agricultural Act of 2001 - Directs the Secretary of Agriculture, through crop year 2011, to: (1) make fixed decoupled payments and counter-cyclical payments to eligible producers; (2) make marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments to covered commodity producers; and (3) extend programs for milk and dairy products, sugar, and peanuts.

Amends specified agricultural Acts to extend the: (1) suspension of permanent price support authority; (2) farmland protection program; (3) conservation reserve program; (4) environmental quality incentives program; (5) food for progress program; (6) market access program; (7) export enhancement program; (8) foreign market development cooperator program; (9) export credit guarantee program; (10) P.L. 480 programs; (11) food stamp and related nutrition programs; (12) emergency food assistance program; (13) commodity supplemental food program; (14) surplus commodities to special nutrition project program; and (15) wildlife habitat incentives program.

Establishes the: (1) congressional hunger fellows program; and (2) forest land enhancement program; and (3) sustainable forestry outreach initiative; (4) community and private land fire assistance program; (5) tree assistance program; (6) hazardous fuels to energy grant program; (7) senior farmers' market nutrition program; (8) grassland reserve program; and (9) farmland stewardship program.

Revises and extends specified agricultural credit programs, rural development programs, and agricultural research programs.

Revises land-grant institution provisions and other specified educational, extension, and research program provisions.

Repeals certain agricultural activities and authorities.




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