William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

The Northern Arc and personal notes

Campaign Diary by William Coir
Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Dear Supporters,

This past weekend I spoke at the Northern Arc meeting in Gwinnett County. The meeting was organized to oppose the development of a 59 mile stretch of highway in Cherokee, Gwinnett, Forsyth, and Bartow counties. Approximately 500 homeowners attended and voiced their opposition to the destruction of neighborhoods and schools.  I have taken a public stand against this project because it will not solve the traffic congestion problems, its too expensive, and there are environmental concerns.



On a personal note, I have received several questions about my personal life. So here it is.  I am 36. My birthday is March 12, 1965. I am single. I am the oldest of three kids.  I'm a big fan of jazz music. My hero's are U.S. Senator Edward Brooke and the late Congressman Adam Clayton Powell.

As always, you�re financial assistance is needed.  This race is costing a lot of money.  Please send whatever you can $25, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, or $1000. We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.

Please click here to contribute.

William Coit




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8351 Roswell Rd. Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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