William Coit For Congress |
Georgia Congressional District 13 |
Targeted Voter Registration that Works
For most campaigns, registering new voters is a luxury they can not afford. Voter registration drives are usually best left to nonpartisan civic groups and community organizations. The majority of campaigns can best use their limited resources elsewhere, and only attempt to register new voters when directly asked, such as when a supporter asks the campaign to help register his or her spouse. [Read more]
In local campaigns, often one of the most cost-effective and beneficial activities is door-to-door campaigning. While national and even statewide campaigns tend to shun door-to-door as a way to reach voters and will use it only sparingly as a way to generate media attention, candidates for local and county office can set up effective door-to-door programs that reach most, if not all of the campaign's targeted voting base. [Read more]
Volunteers are the backbone of any local campaign. National campaigns have tons of paid staff, and use volunteers only to fill in the gaps -- but for the local campaign, most of the work is going to be done by volunteers. Of course, there are two type of volunteer teams that a campaign can assemble. The first is unenthusiastic, chaotic, and ineffective. The second is energetic, focused, and successful. How can you make sure that your volunteer team ends up looking like the latter? [Read more]
The most important way for a local candidate to raise money is through personal contacts and solicitation. National money and PAC contributions to the most local of candidates are few and far between. In order to do the things the campaign need to do in order to achieve success on election day, the candidate and staff must ruthlessly cultivate every contact they have, and ask their contacts to do the same. [Read more]
Articles re-printed with permission of Local Victory � Your Guide to Winning Local Elections. Copyright 2001 by Joe Garecht. For more great articles and advice on winning local elections, visit https://www.localvictory.com
� 2001 Committee to Elect William Coit,
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