William Coit For Congress
Georgia Congressional District 13

Education Reform

The Issues by William Coit
Monday, November 26, 2001

Charter Schools

I strongly advocate education reform as a means of securing the economic and moral well being of future generation of Americans. Charter schools are independent public schools, designed and operated by educators, parents, community leaders, educational entrepreneurs and others. They are sponsored by designated local or state educational organizations who monitor their quality and integrity, but allow them to operate freed from the traditional bureaucratic and regulatory red tape that hog-ties public schools. Freed from such micro management, charter schools design and deliver programs tailored to educational excellence and community needs. Because they are schools of choice, they are held to the highest level of accountability � consumer demand.

School Choice

I support school choice. The term �school choice� means giving parents the power and opportunity to choose the school their child will attend. Traditionally, children are assigned to a public school according to where they live. People of means already have school choice, because they can afford to move to an area according to the schools available (i.e. where the quality of public schools is high), or they can choose to enroll their child in a private school. Parents without such means until recently, generally had no choice of school, and had to send their child to the school assigned to them by the district, regardless of the school�s quality or appropriateness for their child. School choice means better educational opportunity, because it uses the dynamics of consumer opportunity and provider competition to drive service quality. This principle is found anywhere you look, from cars to colleges and universities, but it�s largely absent in our public school system and the poor results are evident, especially in the centers of American culture � our cities. School choice programs foster parental involvement and high expectations by giving parents the option to educate their children as they see fit. It re-asserts the rights of the parent and the best interests of child over the convenience of the system, infuses accountability and quality into the system, and provides educational opportunity where none existed before.

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Charter Schools
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8351 Roswell Rd.
Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350

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Atlanta, GA 30350

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