William Coit For Congress |
Georgia Congressional District 13 |
The Issues by William Coit
Monday, November 26, 2001Tax Rebate Checks
I would support legislation that allows an automatic tax-rebate check every year that we have a tax surplus. The size of the rebate check could be made conditional on how much of the surplus was not frittered away by congressional appropriators. In other words, these tax-rebate checks could be the ultimate check and balance against the stampede of federal spending. At the start of each fiscal year, Congress should determine the size of the expected non-Social Security tax surplus. Congress should then announce how large the expected surplus tax rebate would be for the typical taxpaying family.
Airline Bailout
I am against the passage of the airline bailout bill. It is corporate welfare. Let's be clear about what this bailout will do for the flying public: exactly nothing. It won't keep any planes in the air that wouldn't have been there anyway. Airplanes are flown when it's profitable to fly them, and they're not flown when it's not profitable to fly them. Giving cash to the airlines doesn't change the profitability of any given flight, so it doesn't affect any decision about which flights to offer. The airline bailout accomplishes one thing and one thing only�it enriches the millions of people who own airline stocks at the expense of the millions of others who don't.
Minimum Wage
I am against increasing the federal minimum wage but instead support returning minimum wage policy over to the states. The American evidence is clear that raising minimum wages does not reduce poverty. Many things affect poverty, such as the magnitude of unemployment in particular, but also the overall level of income, the prevalence of transfer payments, the existence of single-parent families and so forth. Public policy would be better directed toward changing these other variables rather than the minimum wage if the goal were to reduce the amount of poverty in the United States.
Tax Rebate Checks
Airline Bailout
Minimum WageSearch the Thomas Congressional Bills Data Base
I'd like to hear from you on the issues. Please tell me your opinion:
8351 Roswell Rd.
Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30350
� 2001 Committee to Elect William Coit,
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