Jan 11 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
Ten days into the new year and I think we already have a champion.
No, it’s not the N-Control Avenger PR Disaster that rounded out 2011. Nor was it the FedEx foul-up.
Let’s say you own a BBQ joint and a customer comes in, one of the only ones and orders a meal. You can tell she’s not happy and it’s verified by a well-written and factual review on Yelp.
So what do you do to make it right?
A) Get in touch with her and offer a meal for free to make it up?
B) Respond to the Yelp review by apologizing and explaining the issues
C) Call her a bitch and post her pic on Facebook
If you picked C, then you may have a new fave BBQ joint to hang out at!
Here we go, ready? Buckle up your brisket:
(All pictures are linked to their file, so if you’re on a phone and they’re tough to read, just click it)
1. Stephanie and her husband go to Boners BBQ in Atlanta for a meal after grabbing a $10 off coupon from Scoutmob.
2. They leave and she posts her review on Yelp. One of the better written reviews on the site to be honest. She lists the things she liked and didn’t like, with reasons why. Not an all-caps “ZOMG!! THIS PLACE IS HORRIBLE!”
3. After seeing the Yelp review and being told she didn’t tip the server, the person who runs Boners BBQ Facebook page decides to put her in her place by posting her picture (censoring by me, they put the unedited photo up):
Click link to continue reading https://www.unmarketing.com/2012/01/10/worst-use-of-social-media-of-2012-boners-bbq/