by williamcoit
Jan 28 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
When Newt Gingrich said in a recent debate that he was a man of “grandiose” ideas, Mitt Romney’s campaign pounced. It sent mockingTwitter messages with a hashtag, “#grandiosenewt”, encouraging voters to add their own examples of occasions when they felt Mr. Gingrich had been “grandiose.” Within minutes, the hashtag was trending on Twitter. Reporters picked up on [...]
by williamcoit
Jan 27 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
Ten Ways To Increase Your Twitter Followers: 1. Explain to your followers what retweeting is and encourage them to retweet your links. Retweeting pushes your @username into foreign social graphs, resulting in clicks back to your profile. Track your retweets using retweetist. 2. Fill out your bio. Your latest tweets and @replies don’t mean much [...]
by williamcoit
Jan 12 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
In our How to Build an All-Star Social Media Team guide we discussed important topics like defining your social media goals & objectives, how to establish your social media policy, what type of people to hire and how to integrate social across sales, marketing and IT. If you haven’t read it yet, you really should [...]
by williamcoit
Jan 11 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
Ten days into the new year and I think we already have a champion. No, it’s not the N-Control Avenger PR Disaster that rounded out 2011. Nor was it the FedEx foul-up. Let’s say you own a BBQ joint and a customer comes in, one of the only ones and orders a meal. You can [...]
by williamcoit
Jan 11 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit
Say goodbye to SEO. The now-conventional strategy of harnessing links and keywords to climb higher in search results has been fading for a while. Social media emerged as an alternative referral source. Google tweaked its quality signals to reduce the impact of strategies that manipulate search results. Google’s personal search results feature pages, photos and [...]