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by williamcoit

Setting Up a Social Media Campaign: A Step-by-Step Checklist

Feb 6 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit

I do a good number of speeches around the country on social media, mobile media and marketing in general. The #1 question I get asked at the end of every speech is, “What are my next steps?” That question may be on your mind, too. In fact, if I were to guess, I’d say you probably understand [...]

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by williamcoit

Social Media Doesn’t Work

Feb 6 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit

It may surprise you that the headline on this blog post was “Social Media Doesn’t Work,” especially when you consider that I wrote a book called How to Make Money with Social Media. The sad truth is that social media doesn’t work for the majority of companies that fall into the “you can do social media [...]

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by williamcoit

5 Simple Ways to Explore Your Social Media Following

Feb 5 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit

The larger your social media following, the greater your potential reach online. It’s this statement that leads so many businesses to work to increase the number of fans and followers they have. Having a large social media following is only part of the equation though. The other part is making sure those followers are active; [...]

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by williamcoit

20 hospitals with inspiring social media strategies

Feb 5 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit

Hospitals and social media are a great mix, offering a wealth of opportunities for connecting with the community, patients, and even collaborating across health systems and between different hospitals. Some medical groups are wary of the liability and privacy issues that social media may open up, but others have found ways to manage these concerns and enjoy [...]

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by williamcoit

7 common social media mistakes (and how to fix them)

Feb 5 2012 in Uncategorized by williamcoit

This post is by Heidi Cohen, principal of Riverside Marketing Strategies. Marketers are afraid of making social media mistakes. Even worse, they’re concerned their social media faux pas will balloon into a public relations nightmare. Get over it! In today’s always-on, connected world, issues can arise whether you’re participating in social media or not. So be [...]